Condo Logic

A condominium, or condo, is an individually owned unit in a property complex or building of multiple units. A condo owner owns the space inside their condo and shares an ownership interest in communal areas within the property. Condo logic in Skyware allows you to create or designate condo owner accounts, attach the condo owners to the accommodations they own, enter the reservation expense percentage and commission amounts; and to create posting types (for the default condo origin commission and default condo property commission), to enable you to record room revenue and charge expenses to the rooms that owners own.

Once a room has been attached to a condo owner, all relevant charges and expenses will be posted during the night audit process and be viewable on the condo statement, which shows the posting date, description and amount of any rentals or posting revenue (such as room charges). This can also be printed for mailing to your condo owners. The condo configuration command allows you to set the defaults for automatically closing any open condo owner statements and the statement template that will be used when printing any condo owner statements. (The condo statement template for this used will be unique to your Property and should be generated using the condo statements command (found in the Documents section of the Other Front Desk Tasks menu). See How to Create or Customize your Documents for further details).



Date Updated February 01, 2022